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Specialist Advice - Compliant Archiving

The consulting service is delivered through man days based on the specialization and domain expertise required.

Manual service of digital preservation -according to the process adopted by the company. The service is inclusive of the days of activity necessary for the collection of information suitable for the compilation of the Manual, the drafting of the same, and delivery to the customer with relative sharing of the data contained.

Master Digital Preservation Manual - Provision of a Master copy of the Manual. The reseller may use this copy of the manual to provide the service of drafting the digital preservation Manual directly to its end customer. The Master Digital Preservation Manual will contain all the necessary regulatory references, as well as all the functional indications of Adiuto's software for Digital Preservation. It will remain the dealer's responsibility to complete this manual, according to the procedure adopted by the customer.

Master Digital Preservation Manual Revision - Master Digital Preservation Manual, where relevant regulatory changes or functional changes of the Digital Preservation module have occurred. In this case, it is mandatory to adapt the manual to keep the customer in step with legislative or technological developments.

Review Day - the service provides days of specialist advice in order to modify the customer's Master Digital Preservation Manual whenever there are regulatory changes, changes to the preservation process adopted by the company, or to the operational functionality of the Adiuto digital preservation module.