

Adiuto Login


Info Request

  • Market: Food - Beverage / Sector: Viticulture
  • Application Areas: Logistics, Administration - Finance and Control

Company Profile

Historic Tuscan winery carefully selects wines, spirits, and specialties of the highest quality for decades, representing the best of global oenology and the Italian wine tradition.

Adiuto Analysis

Our Method for Success Stories.

Criticality Highlighted (Weaknesses/Threats)

Delivery times

Lack of interaction with transport partners does not allow awareness of possible delivery delays

Customer disputes

Loss of image and sales by the company

Partner control tools

Lack of systems to "measure" partner KPIs


Opportunity Emerged (Strength/Opportunity)

Structured IT department

Internal staff able to be autonomous in the management and implementation of new workflows


Propensity and willingness to invest



Waste mapping according to the Lean approach

Identification of waste areas on which to make processes more efficient.


Time for the resolution of processing errors


Unnecessary production or incorrect planning

Perdita di tempo
Waste of time

Waste of time in the process steps

Spreco del Talento
Talent waste

Inefficient allocation of resources

Processi Extra
Extra Processes

More work or higher quality not required

Mobilità Inutile
Useless Mobility

Inefficient handling of resources


Inefficient archiving or inventory

Trasporto non necessario
Transport not necessary

Unnecessary handling of products and materials


Management and verification of partner activities currently involves manual processes via email and confirmation phone calls. Through shared access to information and approval workflows, it was possible to streamline the process


Waste of Time

Checking the status of the communication process between sales branches and couriers results in a lot of wasted time. Automatically tracking information and communications between sales branches and couriers reduces delivery times for goods


Talent Waste

Oversight of the communication process between branches and partners involved one person being diverted from his or her core assigned activities. Automatic communication management done via Adiuto frees the resource from low value activities



Sales branches have no trace of order and delivery status; at the same time, couriers often receive information that is misinterpreted. Through specific workflows, all process steps are mapped, and the assignment of tasks to couriers eliminates the risk of errors caused by incorrect interpretations.


Adiuto Approach

Solutions are identified, implemented, and customized.


Process optimization for shipment management.



Workflow that allows the import of the shipment data from management and assigns the activities to the couriers. The courier is obliged to include the reason in case of storage and sends the activity to the relevant branch.



The order management department, branch managers, and couriers who have accurate and timely information that helps reduce errors.


The project includes the involvement of external couriers in Adiuto, assigning them the delivery as an activity that they will update with the relative status; the process also involves, in case of need, the involvement of the points of sale on the territory to resolve possible stocking.


A summary of the main advantages of the Adiuto solution presented.

  • Control of delivery times
  • Supplier performance monitoring
  • Saving time in solving delivery anomalies

Content and Process Management

Technological and methodological solutions for each critical process.

DSS - Digital Signature Management
DSS - Digital Signature Management

Solution for the validation of document processes through digital signatures

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DMS - Document Management
DMS - Document Management

The Document Management Solution

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BPM - Process Management
BPM - Process Management

The Digital Process Management Solution

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Processes Managed by Area

Application Areas of Process Management solutions.


Digital process management to finally make every movement smart

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Administration / Finance and control
Administration / Finance and control

AFC as a component of the value chain for business simplification and support

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